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Duotone Capa

Type: Foil Kite
Rider: Advanced Beginners to Advanced Kiters / Foilers
Relaunch: super easy equal to the Flysurfer Soul
Performance: Definetly for Hydrofoil riders, Jumping and better Lowwind Maschine than the Soul
Tipps: Send it in the Air
For Who is it
? perfekt for the typical Bavarian rider who is switching between Foil and TwinTipp, and Soul riders that want a Kite with better Jumping abilities
Tested Sizes: 15
Website: https://www.duotonesports.com/de/kiteboarding/kites/capa/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_n-XEseIxs
Shop: https://kitejunkie.com/shop/product/duotone-capa-foilkite-42177?search=capa
For me worlds around better than the old Ace. If you are starting the Kite in low winds it is easy, with no problems it´s filled in about seconds without sheeting in the Bar. The Jumping Performance is very good you sheet in and it goes up in the Air. In the Air you know every time where the kite is so perfekt for Advanced Jumps. Bad part of the Capa, if your landing is not that perfekt and you can get a little bit of slack in the lines. The turning speed is quiet fast so perfekt for some loops, transitions, … on the Foil or a normal Board. I tested the relaunching in some little chop and steady 13 knots and I had no problem in any Situation, keep cool and every thin is easy 🙂
This Kite is for sure in my Quiver. With the easyness and a lot of fun its a kite for nearly everyone
Comparsion to the Flysurfer Soul:
Starting and Filling the Kite: Capa
Stability in the Air: Capa
Jumping: Capa
Foiling: Capa
Turning: Capa
Packing the Kite: Soul
Unhooked: Soul
Long Live Ability: I don’t know depends on the Rider
Easy of using the Power: Soul
Kiteloop: Capa/ Soul
Low wind: Capa
High Winds: Equal depends on the Riderskill
Upwind riding: enough on Both maybe minimal differences
All overall there are only nuances in the difference off those 2 Kites so Test both and decide after that to your personal preferences.

For any Questions write down in the Comments bellow! 🙂


2 Responses

  1. Hi!
    Thanks for the review.
    What do you mean Easy of using the power? And Soul wins.

    I’m looking for the kite in 15m that will help me to go in super low winds on a big TT.
    Approximately in 7-8knots I can do it with Soul 10m. Because I can generate power by flying Soul up and down (kite loops etc). With what kite is easier to generate power, Soul 15m or Capa 15m?

    • Hi Alex,

      15 Capa generates more power than the Soul and you have more Fun with this Kite in 7-8 knots. Because than you are although able to Jump.


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