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Let’s begin the next adventure in Bali. If everything goes the right way we will stay here for a Month and maybe a bit more. With a tricky arrival at our Airbnb we arrived at 9 pm in the evening. So we started the next day easy calm and relaxed. With no pressure we  looked for 2 Scooters and Internet for the Smartphone. After a very good meal we jumped back to the house and we chatted with our host and the other guests the whole evening. With recovered energy we left our hostel early and spend a visit down to Sanur. A nice little tourist village near Denpasar at the ocean with a nice beach and harbor. After a short walk at the promenade we found a diving center where we asked for a good price for the Open-Water-Diving license. And after 4 other schools we found a pretty little diving center in the middle off Sanur. That’s it so we booked our course for the next 3 Days. With a full stomach of Nasi Goreng and a nice Gelato for the dessert we drove home. We waked up jumpy and we have taken our taxi down to Sanur. First day was at first the theory and after that the first dive in the Pool. We both had some little starting mistakes but with more kilos in the back we managed to take our first breath’s under water. Such a nice feeling! So very excited we had the theory test back at the school. Only one mistake toked me away from 100%. New day with new excitement to get the first dive done in the open ocean. After a 5 minute drive with the boat we are ready to jump in the water. But first we got our dive plan. We started with view exercises and then we got deeper and deeper down to 12m. All in all the first dive was OK we’ve seen some nice fishes and corals. 45minutes later back on the boat we snaked some cookies and fruits to get some strength back. Second dive at a cliff was more exciting we have seen an octopus and some filefish’s and Alex was attacked by a little bastard a triggerfish. At home we only grabbed some food and that was it for the day. 7 am in the Morning our teacher picked us up to go to Tulamben where our 3 and 4th  dive was. On the third one I had some troubles with my ears but after a couple of minutes it went better. Our longest dive at this cliff was about 52 minutes.  So short break later and a couple off cookies. We had the chance to go wreck diving.  With no problem we went down to 21m to visit the USAT Liberty, a wreck around 15 m from the beach. With 20-30 other divers we had our fun under water. Most of the time we produced some bubbles and we not really had a look to the fishes. We also dived through the ship what was very stunning! 40 minutes later we accomplished our Open-Water-Course and now we know the basics of diving. Thanks to Ocean Gravity for holding this course. After a short Coffeebreak- Online Team Meeting with me company we went to Bed. Because of this f**** Co*** Virus we picked our scooters and went to the Australian Consulate to get some Travel information’s for our next stop. Unfortunately it’s not possible to get in to Australia wright now and we are a little bit “stuck” on Bali. There are for sure places that are not that great but if we can’t make our way to Australia or the USA our trip is basically done. If I need to fly back to Germany I will go back to work…. So we have today the 25th March and in Bali that is Silent day. Means everything is shut down. You are not allowed to leave the house, you can’t switch the lights on and even the Internet is down. So with a cold Beer some chips and a lot of video material to cut we managed to stay inside our house.
So in the next days we will see what we are going to do with all the regulations and stuff from corona it’s not easy to go out or do some tourist stuff.
But anyway thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Blog in a couple of Days ☺️

Greetings Alex & Gianluca


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