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… so after some time we had to take a sad decision. We will leave Bali and will stop our World Kite trip right here right now. Our flight back with the #recoveryprogram from the German government was at 31 March so we are sitting now in the train back to Munich. Right now it’s for sure the best decision to make a break no one knows what is coming all over the World so better to go home to visit and stay with the family at home save.
But anyway I hate to talk about this topic f**** C***.
With the Ocean Gravity diving School we had some nice last days under water with a lot of fun and a done Advanced Diving course. It’s always nice to dive with Mantas, Snakes, Eals and many fishes. We really enjoyed our dives there it’s compare to snorkeling a complete new experience which I like very much. With some good waves to surf in Canggu and nice dinners we spend our last day here in Bali. Last hours with packing and then back to the Airport. With a big tam tam the germans got the Airport in their hands. The funny thing I would say all the Balinese guys have never seen an Organisation like this before. All worked hand in hand nearly perfekt. Respect! Our last time at the lounge we filled our stomach to start our 18 hour flight to Frankfurt Airport. From there we are now in the Train back to Munich.
So we come to a conclusion I have to come back to Bali for sure I haven’t seen that much from the Island. The biggest thing we managed to see is the Beautiful underwater world.
I will keep you updated about my next plans for this year but I think that I’m going to test some Kites for Kitejunkie.com and get some photoshoots in Europe.
Soo seeeee youuu

Over and out Gianluca & Alex


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